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Sara Troy

Self Discovery Media Community 2020

Refreshed Over 30 DAYS ago
Victoria, Canada

What if we could see possibilities and embrace opportunities because we choose to and we then decided to believe, act and commit to making it happen?

We are all in some sort of discovery in our lives, and we seem to learn not only by our own journey but by those who have gone before us that inspires us to move forward into embracing our own “What if ” possibilities.

Self Discovery Media is focusing our direction on showcasing the work that people and organisations are doing globally in helping to redirect the world and its inhabitants to live in a more tranquil purposeful and meaningful liberating life.

We believe that if we share the stories and some of the incredible journeys that ordinary people have made in redirecting their lives and in embracing their true love of life and purpose, it will not only inspire you the listener but also show you who you can turn to help you find your own purpose in your own life. Our stories release others from their burdens.

I Sara Troy owner/host of Self Discovery, believes in humanity and collaborations. You will soon see a platform where we will be raising money for the many foundations we celebrate giving them more fuel to support their own wonderful course.

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