View Profile
Published author & writer, with a passion for storytelling and self development.
An editor, meant to make your texts shine.
A proofreader with a sensitive critic eye.
A web designer, focused on small details.
A mom of 2, coffee lover, amateur photographer and a great connector, passionate by human behavior, personal development and humanitarian campaigns.
Reach out and let's change the world! ☺

Over 30 DAYS Ago București, ROU
The Man, the Moon and the Casquette
A fiction story, based on real life lessons learned by the author.
An uplifting content piece that anyone should have in their (virtual) library.
If you'd like to find out more, please feel free to send me a message or an email. ☺

Holistic Creative Writing Programme
BusinessOver 30 DAYS Ago București, ROU
Programme Specifications
The Holistic Creative Writing Programme (prose) is a special programme (outside of the regular school classes) that entails the following:
Descriptive writing
Narrative writing
Lateral thinking skills
Other life skills that no school curricula will provide, such as emotional wellbeing and effective communication skills (both orally and in written).
All children attending this course will be interactively participating, with no discrimination, under no circumstance!
As a result of attending this programme, children will learn to compassionately interact with each other, accept diversity, encourage the others to give their best and gain the self-confidence that a future writer (creative mind) needs in order to succeed. They will be motivated and encouraged to let their imagination flow during dedicated activities (for example, describing an object beyond its appearance).
Upon completion of the course, each child will be awarded the opportunity to have their work published on the teacher’s website (under pen name - if required, or real name - if allowed), as well as on various social media channels, with parents’ approval only.
More details (number of seats available, starting date & duration, pricing and age range) to be found under the tag icon tab to the right (above the description area).
Should any change be made to the curricula or any of the below mentioned information, a written note will be provided to the attendees’ parents/ legal tutors and all parties involved.
I'm always available to answer questions via the "Enquire" feature within WorkApp or by e-mail, at
Let the fun begin!

Over 30 DAYS Ago București, ROU
The story of Quinn is one many readers will relate to, as she goes through ups & downs and limitations she alone has imposed herself. The existence of the heroine is presented within a 30 years time frame - from 10 years of age up to 40. Her evolution goes from a shy child to learning how to fake, and to a complete change of heart.
From the "Author's note" section you will learn how the process of conceiving this book went, with complete transparency.

Flavored Ventures SRL
BusinessOver 30 DAYS Ago București, Romania
Imagine yourself in the land of #beauty.
What is the first thing you would crush your sight to?
And what is the meaning you would give to "beauty"? How would you describe it?
There must be some flavor, somewhere. Beauty needs to catch your senses, doesn't it?
Whether it is a smell, a taste or a touch, it is all about senses. And who knows how to reach out to those senses wins.
That's what we, at Flavored Ventures, are up to! Our clients come to us for:
????️ #FlavoredWriting - We create engaging, emotional content
????️ Text Editing - Your text shines with us
????️ Web Design - Your online home deserves a welcoming environment
????️ Mobile Apps Development - Turn your business into an app and your customers will love it
????️ Video Creation - ride the wave and reach up to 80% more customers
????️ Video Editing - enrich motion with text, music, effects and so much more.
Our clients recommend us because we know how to convey that sensitive message they have in their sleeve in a fashion that touches customers' souls.
Schedule your free call today or send us an email. We look forward to collaborating with you!
"Creativity unleashed" is not just a tagline. It is THE tagline!

Impact By Choice podcast
CommunityOver 30 DAYS Ago București, Romania
A show dedicated to the ones who call themselves truth seekers - personal development advocates. You get a chance to take a trip into my thought process, as well as to my guests', as we will bring you weekly interviews (every Friday) unveiling the truth behind a façade. Real life, inspirational stories everyone can learn from.
At the same time, a show that will take you on a discovery journey into my writings and my published work. Every Thursday I will bring a special guest to discuss paragraphs from "The Man, the Moon and the Casquette", a Self-development book, which conveys the message as a fiction book.
Additionally, you get a great chance of learning how I can help you convey your own message in an appealing manner, by offering some free tips. As a bonus, you will find out how you can enroll into my writing coaching programme and how will this help you become a loved writer.

Over 30 DAYS Ago Bucharest, Romania
What's the best time to start a new adventure?
January 1st, naturally! Therefore, this is what your host has decided to enroll to for 2019 - a new way to reach out to the beautiful people around the world. In the first episode, you will find out what are the main pillars of the show, when will it be regularly released, as well as WHY and WHO is this for.
You can reach out to me at or by leaving me a voice message, via Anchor app. Ask away or let me know what you think about all this and let's interact!
Welcome to your new favorite podcast! May your New Year be filled with abundance, joy and gratitude!
Learn more about your host's writing on, and show some love on Facebook ( The book mentioned in this episode ("The Man, the Moon and the Casquette") can also be found on WorkApp.
You can listen to this episode via the links below:
Show also available on the following platforms:

Over 30 DAYS Ago Bucharest, Romania
In this episode, you will hear the narration of a short article I wrote in December 2017, from the perspective of a woman who felt like losing everything.
Find the written format and subscribe to my website here -->
I would love to learn your questions and/ or feedback. Feel free to send me an e-mail at
Listen to this episode here:
Show also available on the following platforms:
Much love,
ImpactByChoice Podcast - Ep. 03 "Can the joy of childhood be adopted in business? (With Norma Kraft)
CommunityOver 30 DAYS Ago Bucharest, Romania
This episode will reveal a small part of how Norma chooses to make an impact on the world around her, every single day.
Norma Kraft is a career strategist, with over 20 years of experience in the recruitment and talent acquisition industry. Currently, her venture is heading towards assisting people to stand out from the crowd and become more visible in the eyes of the recruiters. She is a qualified resume writer, advisor and coach.
While she invests precious time in helping people who are transitioning to/ from a new job to discover and tap into their higher potential, she is also a fierce fighter against the trend of ageism. The hashtag she uses very often and would love to become a revolutionary mindset is #AgeDoesNotDefineUs.
In addition to all of the above, she carries deep within the heart of an innocent child and approaches life with the joy she declares her grand-daughter taught her. So she takes this love for life and people into the business field.
Get connected with my guest via her Linkedin profile (, on e-mail ( ) and set up a discovery call via Calendly -
Listen to this episode here:
Show also available on the following platforms:
Send us your questions for today's guest at or leave us a voice message (from the Anchor app) and I will be happy to answer in a future episode.
Have an abundant time ahead!

Over 30 DAYS Ago Bucharest, Romania
Dino Pacella is a personal branding strategist, that shows genuine interest in the world around him. One of the most important things that he preaches is "flipping the M in the Me and turning it into We".
Additionally, he is the creator of Ubervation (, co-host of "Perth LinkedIn Success" series ( and the founder of the National Finance Broker's Day ( in Australia.
In this episode, we spoke about the term "influencer" and why he is not so fond of it and prefers the term "impact"; at the same time he provides valuable inputs on leadership, social causes, social media, off-line life, gender equity and more.
In a nutshell, he reveals his own way of impacting the world around him with each step.
If you are seeking a personal branding strategist to help you stand out from the crowd and convey your message in a fantastic manner, contact Dino via his LinkedIn profile (
Listen to the full episode here:
Show also available on the following platforms:
As this show is open to suggestions, feel free to send us an email to or leave a voice message (via Anchor app).
If you'd like to find out more about why I do what I do, follow me on LinkedIn ( and check out my website (

Over 30 DAYS Ago Bucharest, Romania
Every Thursday, Impact by Choice podcast will bring you a special (bonus) episode, which aims to provide you with insights from my book - "The Man, the Moon and the Casquette" and wisdom related to the lessons in the story.
For this endeavor, Rahila Khan will be your co-host for the #bookinsightsseries, offering you the opportunity to learn more about who she is, what she does and how did she perceive this writeup.
In reference to her Linkedin profile, Rahila Khan is an educationist, a Journey practitioner, a facilitator of emotional & spiritual intelligence program, lateral thinking skills & problem solving techniques.
Everything she will be sharing in this series, in reply to my questions, is as result of her over 30 years of direct experience in facilitating workshops for children, women, professionals and businesses, as advocate in leadership of love.
You can address any questions to my guest by leaving a voice message or by sending us a message to the below mentioned e-mail. We would be more than happy to engage with your queries and answer in a future episode. You can reach out to Rahila via her Linkedin profile ( or her website -
In today's episode, we discuss chapter 01, the summary of which you can find below.
The first chapter, called "A simple man", presents the main character's family history and actual environment. Arian's parents love glamour, as they consider themselves superior to others and fully entitled to be adored. Therefore, they throw loud parties until late at night. At the same time, as a guiding characteristic of their existence, they stick to the syntax "it has always been this way".
Additionally, from early ages of Arian's existence, the parents find out about Arian's brain exceptional capacities and that makes them despise their child.
Due to all the above mentioned aspects, the parents would do anything to put their child down, making him feel miserable, unwanted and unloved. As a consequence, Arian grows up with a strong feeling of unworthiness, carrying a serious lack of self-esteem into adulthood.
Find out more about your host by checking out and feel free to send us your feedback/ suggestions to
Listen to the episode here:
Show also available on the following platforms:
See you next Thursday!

Over 30 DAYS Ago Bucharest, Romania
Caroline Fernandes is a seasoned Executive Coach, with 20 years of experience serving global multinational companies. Currently, she is the co-CEO for a learning consulting company, called TirGlobal and the co-CEO of a mentoring platform, called MentorYouGlobal.
Over the last five years, she chose to dive into harnessing inclusive spaces that offer tools for businesses to thrive. She enjoys the sweet spot between Coaching, Creating Inspirational Content and Social Entrepreneurship, as her life's passion and mission.
As a human behind the scenes, she's the mother of a wise 14 year-old young man, a mindfulness practitioner, a lover of community an she loves baking gluten free cakes!
You can reach out to Caroline via her LinkedIn profile (
In today's episode, Caroline Fernandes tells us the story of her journey from an inexperienced wedding dresses manufacturer to a Leadership coach and mentor. As we dive in, we also discuss about meditation, how she teaches her son respect for women, how can we avoid bulling in schools and many more.
Listen to the episode here:
Show also available on the following platforms:
If you enjoyed this episode, leave us a voice message or let us know via email at and share it with your friends.
Also, make sure you leave us a review on the platform you are listening to this show.
Take care!

Over 30 DAYS Ago Bucharest, Romania
Kids are being exposed to fairy tales which, of course, are the magic of childhood. Nevertheless, some of these tales have turned into economic gains for kids, due to how the messages are spread around. Anyhow, we - as parents - need to cope and comfort out kids when fairy tales turn out differently.
In this episode I recount how I shamelessly forgot to play Tooth Fairy for my elder child (2 times in a row !!!) and I have a question for you all: How do you teach kids NOT TO BEAT THEMSELVES UP for the mistakes of others?
Listen to the episode here:
Show also available on the following platforms:
I am grateful for your engagement with this episode and for leaving me a voice message (if you listen via Anchor) / sending me an e-mail to
See you on Thursday, for the #BookInsightsSeries with Rahila Khan, and on Fridays, for a new interview.
Stay blessed!

Over 30 DAYS Ago Bucharest, Romania
- Please listen to the first episode of this series before listening to this one, for a better understanding and in order to get a continuity.
- Please bear with us, both myself and my guest faced several technical challenges, but nothing can stop our adventure. :)
Arian's Wake-up call
Arian's life goes like this for too many years, without having the strength to speak up for himself and his right to be heard and to live in a peaceful home. The day he turns 35, however, he realizes - under no extraordinary circumstances - that he is more than that and he inwardly expresses his determined willingness to understand and to discover more about who he really is and about his purpose on earth. In his way, he meets Rada...
At the end of today's episode, Rahila addresses 2 very thought-provoking questions to you all. As we wish to hear from you and discuss your feedback in a future episode, feel free to leave us a voice message (if you listen via Anchor) or send us an email to
You can follow Rahila and your host via linkedin:
Listen to the episode here:
Show also available on the following platforms:

Over 30 DAYS Ago Bucharest, Romania
Kyle Crooke is a 26 year-old writer, consultant and content creator, who aims to "add value to “purpose seekers” by offering motivational and personal development content that encourages them to lead more purposeful, passionate, and persistent lives". At the same time, he is a fitness passionate who used to have people anxiety during college years.
He created a short e-book, called "Your Motivation Mission", which can be downloaded for free from his website ( and which is conceived as a daily motivator, for 31 days.
In today's episode, we talk about life-work balance, faith, fitness, writing, engagement in the workplace and more.
You can connect or reach out to Kyle by checking his LinkedIn profile ( or via Instagram (
Listen to the episode here:
Show also available on the following platforms:
If you enjoyed today's episode, leave us a voice message via Anchor or send us an e-mail to
Each share and review is highly appreciated! Thank you.

Over 30 DAYS Ago Bucharest, Romania
Darrel Frater had contact with entrepreneurship from a tender age, as he learned it first hand from his father. Ever since, Darrel has been passionate about startups.
In college, Darrel grew a strong passion for mentoring, while obtaining his bachelor’s in business from The College of New Jersey.
A year after graduation, he worked at a Fortune 500 company, yet after 2 years he felt unfulfilled and developed a strong urge to continue serving others.
His passions for problem solving, mentoring, and entrepreneurship led him to officially begin his entrepreneurial journey with the departure from his job in June of 2018. He is confident that a shift toward social entrepreneurship will make this world a better place for every member of humanity.
You can check the app Darrel mentioned by following the link below:
You can contact Darrel via his LinkedIn profile or by checking his website
Listen to full episode here:
Show also available here:
Google Podcasts:
Pocket Casts:
Radio Public:
Google Play Music:
If you enjoyed this episode, please send us a voice message (if you listen via Anchor) or an e-mail at Also, help us grow by leaving us a review on iTunes.
Thanks for tuning in!

Over 30 DAYS Ago București, ROU
Shane Wallace is the CEO of WorkApp, a platform that allows everyone to advertise for FREE. In the name of transparency, I will tell you that the first challenge was to actually have Shane accepting to re-record this episode. And the reason behind this was the fact that I wanted to give you, the listeners, a different perspective on who Shane Wallace is. In the first place, we had a normal, serious conversation, but I wanted to break the pattern for a short while. So, despite the support that I like to offer to this project, in this episode my challenge goes exactly towards the flispside. We had a lot of fun while recording this episode, so I hope you will have fun as you listen to our conversation too. If you do, please leave us a review on iTunes and share it with everyone you know. You can download WorkApp here ???? And you can get in touch and/ or follow Shane via his LinkedIn profile here ???? We look forward to learning from you, so remember that you can leave us a voice message (if you listen via Anchor app) or send us an email to Thank you for tuning in!
Andrada Anitei
WorkerOver 30 DAYS Ago București, ROU
Published author, writer, interviewer, book editor and people lover.

Over 30 DAYS Ago București, ROU
The Man, the Moon and the Casquette
A fiction story, based on real life lessons learned by the author.
An uplifting content piece that anyone should have in their (virtual) library.
If you'd like to find out more, please feel free to send me a message or an email. ☺

Holistic Creative Writing Programme
BusinessOver 30 DAYS Ago București, ROU
Programme Specifications
The Holistic Creative Writing Programme (prose) is a special programme (outside of the regular school classes) that entails the following:
Descriptive writing
Narrative writing
Lateral thinking skills
Other life skills that no school curricula will provide, such as emotional wellbeing and effective communication skills (both orally and in written).
All children attending this course will be interactively participating, with no discrimination, under no circumstance!
As a result of attending this programme, children will learn to compassionately interact with each other, accept diversity, encourage the others to give their best and gain the self-confidence that a future writer (creative mind) needs in order to succeed. They will be motivated and encouraged to let their imagination flow during dedicated activities (for example, describing an object beyond its appearance).
Upon completion of the course, each child will be awarded the opportunity to have their work published on the teacher’s website (under pen name - if required, or real name - if allowed), as well as on various social media channels, with parents’ approval only.
More details (number of seats available, starting date & duration, pricing and age range) to be found under the tag icon tab to the right (above the description area).
Should any change be made to the curricula or any of the below mentioned information, a written note will be provided to the attendees’ parents/ legal tutors and all parties involved.
I'm always available to answer questions via the "Enquire" feature within WorkApp or by e-mail, at
Let the fun begin!

Over 30 DAYS Ago București, ROU
The story of Quinn is one many readers will relate to, as she goes through ups & downs and limitations she alone has imposed herself. The existence of the heroine is presented within a 30 years time frame - from 10 years of age up to 40. Her evolution goes from a shy child to learning how to fake, and to a complete change of heart.
From the "Author's note" section you will learn how the process of conceiving this book went, with complete transparency.

Flavored Ventures SRL
BusinessOver 30 DAYS Ago București, Romania
Imagine yourself in the land of #beauty.
What is the first thing you would crush your sight to?
And what is the meaning you would give to "beauty"? How would you describe it?
There must be some flavor, somewhere. Beauty needs to catch your senses, doesn't it?
Whether it is a smell, a taste or a touch, it is all about senses. And who knows how to reach out to those senses wins.
That's what we, at Flavored Ventures, are up to! Our clients come to us for:
????️ #FlavoredWriting - We create engaging, emotional content
????️ Text Editing - Your text shines with us
????️ Web Design - Your online home deserves a welcoming environment
????️ Mobile Apps Development - Turn your business into an app and your customers will love it
????️ Video Creation - ride the wave and reach up to 80% more customers
????️ Video Editing - enrich motion with text, music, effects and so much more.
Our clients recommend us because we know how to convey that sensitive message they have in their sleeve in a fashion that touches customers' souls.
Schedule your free call today or send us an email. We look forward to collaborating with you!
"Creativity unleashed" is not just a tagline. It is THE tagline!

Impact By Choice podcast
CommunityA show dedicated to the ones who call themselves truth seekers - personal development advocates. You get a chance to take a trip into my thought process, as well as to my guests', as we will bring you weekly interviews (every Friday) unveiling the truth behind a façade. Real life, inspirational stories everyone can learn from.
At the same time, a show that will take you on a discovery journey into my writings and my published work. Every Thursday I will bring a special guest to discuss paragraphs from "The Man, the Moon and the Casquette", a Self-development book, which conveys the message as a fiction book.
Additionally, you get a great chance of learning how I can help you convey your own message in an appealing manner, by offering some free tips. As a bonus, you will find out how you can enroll into my writing coaching programme and how will this help you become a loved writer.

What's the best time to start a new adventure?
January 1st, naturally! Therefore, this is what your host has decided to enroll to for 2019 - a new way to reach out to the beautiful people around the world. In the first episode, you will find out what are the main pillars of the show, when will it be regularly released, as well as WHY and WHO is this for.
You can reach out to me at or by leaving me a voice message, via Anchor app. Ask away or let me know what you think about all this and let's interact!
Welcome to your new favorite podcast! May your New Year be filled with abundance, joy and gratitude!
Learn more about your host's writing on, and show some love on Facebook ( The book mentioned in this episode ("The Man, the Moon and the Casquette") can also be found on WorkApp.
You can listen to this episode via the links below:
Show also available on the following platforms:

In this episode, you will hear the narration of a short article I wrote in December 2017, from the perspective of a woman who felt like losing everything.
Find the written format and subscribe to my website here -->
I would love to learn your questions and/ or feedback. Feel free to send me an e-mail at
Listen to this episode here:
Show also available on the following platforms:
Much love,
This episode will reveal a small part of how Norma chooses to make an impact on the world around her, every single day.
Norma Kraft is a career strategist, with over 20 years of experience in the recruitment and talent acquisition industry. Currently, her venture is heading towards assisting people to stand out from the crowd and become more visible in the eyes of the recruiters. She is a qualified resume writer, advisor and coach.
While she invests precious time in helping people who are transitioning to/ from a new job to discover and tap into their higher potential, she is also a fierce fighter against the trend of ageism. The hashtag she uses very often and would love to become a revolutionary mindset is #AgeDoesNotDefineUs.
In addition to all of the above, she carries deep within the heart of an innocent child and approaches life with the joy she declares her grand-daughter taught her. So she takes this love for life and people into the business field.
Get connected with my guest via her Linkedin profile (, on e-mail ( ) and set up a discovery call via Calendly -
Listen to this episode here:
Show also available on the following platforms:
Send us your questions for today's guest at or leave us a voice message (from the Anchor app) and I will be happy to answer in a future episode.
Have an abundant time ahead!

Dino Pacella is a personal branding strategist, that shows genuine interest in the world around him. One of the most important things that he preaches is "flipping the M in the Me and turning it into We".
Additionally, he is the creator of Ubervation (, co-host of "Perth LinkedIn Success" series ( and the founder of the National Finance Broker's Day ( in Australia.
In this episode, we spoke about the term "influencer" and why he is not so fond of it and prefers the term "impact"; at the same time he provides valuable inputs on leadership, social causes, social media, off-line life, gender equity and more.
In a nutshell, he reveals his own way of impacting the world around him with each step.
If you are seeking a personal branding strategist to help you stand out from the crowd and convey your message in a fantastic manner, contact Dino via his LinkedIn profile (
Listen to the full episode here:
Show also available on the following platforms:
As this show is open to suggestions, feel free to send us an email to or leave a voice message (via Anchor app).
If you'd like to find out more about why I do what I do, follow me on LinkedIn ( and check out my website (

Every Thursday, Impact by Choice podcast will bring you a special (bonus) episode, which aims to provide you with insights from my book - "The Man, the Moon and the Casquette" and wisdom related to the lessons in the story.
For this endeavor, Rahila Khan will be your co-host for the #bookinsightsseries, offering you the opportunity to learn more about who she is, what she does and how did she perceive this writeup.
In reference to her Linkedin profile, Rahila Khan is an educationist, a Journey practitioner, a facilitator of emotional & spiritual intelligence program, lateral thinking skills & problem solving techniques.
Everything she will be sharing in this series, in reply to my questions, is as result of her over 30 years of direct experience in facilitating workshops for children, women, professionals and businesses, as advocate in leadership of love.
You can address any questions to my guest by leaving a voice message or by sending us a message to the below mentioned e-mail. We would be more than happy to engage with your queries and answer in a future episode. You can reach out to Rahila via her Linkedin profile ( or her website -
In today's episode, we discuss chapter 01, the summary of which you can find below.
The first chapter, called "A simple man", presents the main character's family history and actual environment. Arian's parents love glamour, as they consider themselves superior to others and fully entitled to be adored. Therefore, they throw loud parties until late at night. At the same time, as a guiding characteristic of their existence, they stick to the syntax "it has always been this way".
Additionally, from early ages of Arian's existence, the parents find out about Arian's brain exceptional capacities and that makes them despise their child.
Due to all the above mentioned aspects, the parents would do anything to put their child down, making him feel miserable, unwanted and unloved. As a consequence, Arian grows up with a strong feeling of unworthiness, carrying a serious lack of self-esteem into adulthood.
Find out more about your host by checking out and feel free to send us your feedback/ suggestions to
Listen to the episode here:
Show also available on the following platforms:
See you next Thursday!

Caroline Fernandes is a seasoned Executive Coach, with 20 years of experience serving global multinational companies. Currently, she is the co-CEO for a learning consulting company, called TirGlobal and the co-CEO of a mentoring platform, called MentorYouGlobal.
Over the last five years, she chose to dive into harnessing inclusive spaces that offer tools for businesses to thrive. She enjoys the sweet spot between Coaching, Creating Inspirational Content and Social Entrepreneurship, as her life's passion and mission.
As a human behind the scenes, she's the mother of a wise 14 year-old young man, a mindfulness practitioner, a lover of community an she loves baking gluten free cakes!
You can reach out to Caroline via her LinkedIn profile (
In today's episode, Caroline Fernandes tells us the story of her journey from an inexperienced wedding dresses manufacturer to a Leadership coach and mentor. As we dive in, we also discuss about meditation, how she teaches her son respect for women, how can we avoid bulling in schools and many more.
Listen to the episode here:
Show also available on the following platforms:
If you enjoyed this episode, leave us a voice message or let us know via email at and share it with your friends.
Also, make sure you leave us a review on the platform you are listening to this show.
Take care!

Kids are being exposed to fairy tales which, of course, are the magic of childhood. Nevertheless, some of these tales have turned into economic gains for kids, due to how the messages are spread around. Anyhow, we - as parents - need to cope and comfort out kids when fairy tales turn out differently.
In this episode I recount how I shamelessly forgot to play Tooth Fairy for my elder child (2 times in a row !!!) and I have a question for you all: How do you teach kids NOT TO BEAT THEMSELVES UP for the mistakes of others?
Listen to the episode here:
Show also available on the following platforms:
I am grateful for your engagement with this episode and for leaving me a voice message (if you listen via Anchor) / sending me an e-mail to
See you on Thursday, for the #BookInsightsSeries with Rahila Khan, and on Fridays, for a new interview.
Stay blessed!

- Please listen to the first episode of this series before listening to this one, for a better understanding and in order to get a continuity.
- Please bear with us, both myself and my guest faced several technical challenges, but nothing can stop our adventure. :)
Arian's Wake-up call
Arian's life goes like this for too many years, without having the strength to speak up for himself and his right to be heard and to live in a peaceful home. The day he turns 35, however, he realizes - under no extraordinary circumstances - that he is more than that and he inwardly expresses his determined willingness to understand and to discover more about who he really is and about his purpose on earth. In his way, he meets Rada...
At the end of today's episode, Rahila addresses 2 very thought-provoking questions to you all. As we wish to hear from you and discuss your feedback in a future episode, feel free to leave us a voice message (if you listen via Anchor) or send us an email to
You can follow Rahila and your host via linkedin:
Listen to the episode here:
Show also available on the following platforms:

Kyle Crooke is a 26 year-old writer, consultant and content creator, who aims to "add value to “purpose seekers” by offering motivational and personal development content that encourages them to lead more purposeful, passionate, and persistent lives". At the same time, he is a fitness passionate who used to have people anxiety during college years.
He created a short e-book, called "Your Motivation Mission", which can be downloaded for free from his website ( and which is conceived as a daily motivator, for 31 days.
In today's episode, we talk about life-work balance, faith, fitness, writing, engagement in the workplace and more.
You can connect or reach out to Kyle by checking his LinkedIn profile ( or via Instagram (
Listen to the episode here:
Show also available on the following platforms:
If you enjoyed today's episode, leave us a voice message via Anchor or send us an e-mail to
Each share and review is highly appreciated! Thank you.

Darrel Frater had contact with entrepreneurship from a tender age, as he learned it first hand from his father. Ever since, Darrel has been passionate about startups.
In college, Darrel grew a strong passion for mentoring, while obtaining his bachelor’s in business from The College of New Jersey.
A year after graduation, he worked at a Fortune 500 company, yet after 2 years he felt unfulfilled and developed a strong urge to continue serving others.
His passions for problem solving, mentoring, and entrepreneurship led him to officially begin his entrepreneurial journey with the departure from his job in June of 2018. He is confident that a shift toward social entrepreneurship will make this world a better place for every member of humanity.
You can check the app Darrel mentioned by following the link below:
You can contact Darrel via his LinkedIn profile or by checking his website
Listen to full episode here:
Show also available here:
Google Podcasts:
Pocket Casts:
Radio Public:
Google Play Music:
If you enjoyed this episode, please send us a voice message (if you listen via Anchor) or an e-mail at Also, help us grow by leaving us a review on iTunes.
Thanks for tuning in!

Shane Wallace is the CEO of WorkApp, a platform that allows everyone to advertise for FREE. In the name of transparency, I will tell you that the first challenge was to actually have Shane accepting to re-record this episode. And the reason behind this was the fact that I wanted to give you, the listeners, a different perspective on who Shane Wallace is. In the first place, we had a normal, serious conversation, but I wanted to break the pattern for a short while. So, despite the support that I like to offer to this project, in this episode my challenge goes exactly towards the flispside. We had a lot of fun while recording this episode, so I hope you will have fun as you listen to our conversation too. If you do, please leave us a review on iTunes and share it with everyone you know. You can download WorkApp here ???? And you can get in touch and/ or follow Shane via his LinkedIn profile here ???? We look forward to learning from you, so remember that you can leave us a voice message (if you listen via Anchor app) or send us an email to Thank you for tuning in!
Andrada Anitei
WorkerOver 30 DAYS agoBucurești, ROU
Published author, writer, interviewer, book editor and people lover.
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