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Operation Clusterpuck with Jennifer Rock and Michael Voss

Refreshed Over 30 DAYS
Charlotte, NC, USA

Today on the show I do my first interview with two guests. We all talk about writing and their incredibly entertaining books about life in the corporate world. They took the experience and funny stories they had collected in their years of working with many different corporations and put them together in two great books, with more to come hopefully. 

If you have ever worked in an office you need to read these books and listen to this episode. 

Operation Clusterpuck tells the funny, cynical but heartfelt story of Business Solutions, Inc. (BSI) — a U.S. corporation whose leaders have set in motion a series of disastrous projects that threaten to take the company down. BSI’s ragtag communications team once again gets pressed into action, juggling around-the-clock workloads, battling ruthless execs, and struggling to find meaning in their lives outside of work. 

“We wanted to tell the story of those unsung corporate heroes — the ones who are barely keeping their heads above water, but still do the right thing for their work ‘family,’ even when it’s not easy,” says coauthor Jennifer Rock. 

“Readers often tell us they recognize themselves and their co-workers in our novels,” adds coauthor Michael Voss. “We’re thrilled to reflect their work lives and experiences. Even if our stories might feel like a fun-house mirror.”


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